It's almost funny how psychic we are. Because we had recently mentioned what would happen if booo95 were to come into the chat. And behold.
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> ZOMG
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> we got... normal, orange, mint, chunky, white chunky, caramel chunky
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> orange
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> et cetera
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> mint
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <Spinballwizard> orange O_o
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> caramel crunchy
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> strawberry
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> vanilla
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> banana
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> orange was so crap
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> mint crunchy
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> also you're losing me now
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <Spinballwizard> orange + chocolate = ew.
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh it was allright
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <Spinballwizard> actually
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> strawberry = good
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <GerbilSoft> YOUR MOM[tm] (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <Spinballwizard> any fruit + chocolate = ew.
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <--| booo95 has left #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> you've said about four in a row we didn't get
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> fu strawberry kitkat are good
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> vanilla is good too
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <Spinballwizard> okay gerbil that is like, so last century or something
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> and peanut butter crunchy is great
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <GerbilSoft> strawberry kitkat?
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> yes
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> omg teh booo
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <GerbilSoft> The only kitkats I've seen besides normal ones are dark chocolate and white chocolate.
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> booo: twix is awesome :(
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <mike89> dark chocolate? :(
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> oh yeah i forgot dark.
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <booo95> Hey
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> there's a million kitkat flavours here
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> too many to keep track of
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] >mike89< For some reason I see a topic coming up. >_>
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] * mike89 doesn't really like dark chocolate
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> and coffee crisp too
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> agree'd
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <Spinballwizard> O_o
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <mike89> not just in kitkats, but at all
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <booo95> get into a crunch
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <GerbilSoft> There's only like 3 in the US
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> crunch sucks compared to twix
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> so fu
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <GerbilSoft> :(
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> hah
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> theres at least 10 here
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <booo95> I am here for no reson
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> true
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <mike89> aren't we all
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <Spinballwizard> If anyone has a reason for being here they deserve to be shot.
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <booo95> it's every bodys super sonic moron here
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <mike89> ...
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <_> !seen *46ef*
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <ChanBot> _, I found one match to your query: booo95. booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) was last seen joining #soniccenter 2 minutes ago (10.02. 23:14). booo95 is still there.
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <_> checks out
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <booo95> TALK TO ME
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <mike89> <Spinballwizard> If anyone has a reason for being here they deserve to be shot. <- well, arguably, except Rolken.
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <SuperSonic101> hm
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <Spinballwizard> Well besides Rolk. >_>
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <SuperSonic101> he sounds like sonic93
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <booo95> fsjfhgsjdghdfsghfdsghfhgkf
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <booo95> Hello, any one there?
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <_> meow?
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <Spinballwizard> No.
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <SuperSonic101> the way it goes is wunderbar-twix-kitkat-mr. big-crunchie-coffee crisp-aero-caramilk-snicker-crunch-mars-crispy crunch
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <SuperSonic101> that's the order from best to worst
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <Spinballwizard> I don't really like kitkat as much anymore >_>
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> kitkat is good because they have a lot of good flavours
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> all the crunchy ones are good
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <booo95> kit kat is okay, I like reeses better
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <Spinballwizard> Maybe there.
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> and strawberry and vanilla are great
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> reeses doesn't count as a chocolate bar which is why i omitted it
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <booo95> How about chocolate milk
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> but i'd put it around where crunchie is on the list
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> chocolate milk i don't like because i puked from drinking 20 full glasses of it
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <_> Chocolate milk? More like DROWN YOURSELF IN A BATHTUB FULL OF BLEACH
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <_> yes, htat's an order
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <Spinballwizard> lesson learned, don't drink 20 full glasses of chocolate milk.
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <SuperSonic101> and then some guy drank 24 and didn't puke
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <SuperSonic101> and i was all like fuck you.
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <booo95> BLAH BLAH BLAH is what <_> is saying
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <Spinballwizard> Try eating 9 sticks of butter and not puking.
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <Spinballwizard> I wouldn't diss _.
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <SuperSonic101> X)
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> i drank a whole tube of chocolate sauce
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> without puking
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> that was FUCKING NASTY
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> like i never use chocolate sauce again
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <booo95> Try chugging down a can of coke.
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <Spinballwizard> ...
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <_> Coke as in cocaine?
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> mm
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> cocaine
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> delicious
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <booo95> No as in coca cola
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <Spinballwizard> mmm
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <Spinballwizard> bouncy
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <Spinballwizard> </CF>
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <SuperSonic101> also a can of coke is nothing
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <SuperSonic101> try a 2L
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <booo95> ()()
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> the chocolate sauce was so nasty
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> it's so thick
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <_> I like to stick to my schedule that includes 3 cans of Diet Coke each day
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> and i just kept pouring more in my mouth
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <Spinballwizard> SS try syrup.
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> it was syrup
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <Spinballwizard> no I mean maple syrup
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> it was all thick and syrupy
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> oh X)
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <booo95> dfhahafdkfhagfadsjadsfafdjdlalalahgfdghfdghdfyousuckfhfsghsfghsfkgsfkghfdskghfdjirockfhgghfdskghfkdsgh
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <F-Man> my cousin chugged down a can of root beer in 3 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> it was full
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <Spinballwizard> like the stuff you put on waffles and pancakes.
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> yes i know what maple syrup is
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> i'm canadian
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <_> pwnt
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <F-Man> ahah
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <Spinballwizard> Man I just got a craving for biscuits and gravy for some reason.
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <SuperSonic101> oddness
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <booo95> F-Man> my cousin chugged down a can of root beer in 3 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <booo95> F-Man> my cousin chugged down a can of root beer in 3 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <Spinballwizard> Maybe because I haven't had them since the last time I went down to florida
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <SuperSonic101> i saw a guy chug a bottle of water in under 2 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh neither have I
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <Spinballwizard> actually I think it was before that
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <SuperSonic101> i have a craving to go to those american chain restaurants that are actually good
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <SuperSonic101> you lucky bastards
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <SuperSonic101> in canada we have basically mcdonalds or wendys, and that's about it
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <mike89> ss what
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <F-Man> i have never seen a wendys in my whole life
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <mike89> there are good chain restaurants?
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <F-Man> must be english only thing
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <Spinballwizard> ihop?
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <mike89> also our wendy's is completely different to yours
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <Spinballwizard> D:
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <SuperSonic101> but you americans have like waffle house, and ihop, and perkins and stuff
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <Spinballwizard> of those I've only been to ihop
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh i just went to ihop down in florida
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <booo95> i just had wendys two hours ago
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> it was awesome
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> but waffle house is -fucking amazing-
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <Spinballwizard> oh I <3 ihop
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> mm
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> i feel like having eggs. and hashbrowns
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <booo95> mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ihop.
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> at waffle house
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (mmm kick)
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <Spinballwizard> eggs ew
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> i fucking crave that stuff all year until i go to florida
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> osnap
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> also what eggs are good
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> at waffle house anyway.
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> No.
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> They're not.
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> Evar.
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <F-Man> eggs are either good or disgusting depending on people
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> no u
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> no u
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> ooic
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> urmom
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> D:
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh i find eggs to be kind of disgusting when i think about what it is
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> but damn at waffle house that shizzah's off the hizzah
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] *Spinballwizard wonder how long it'll take booo to figure out he can reenter after being kicked
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <SuperSonic101> what did you order at ihop if you didn't have eggs?
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <Spinballwizard> oh I'd give the eggs to my sister or something
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <Spinballwizard> and steal someone's pancakes or something.
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <SuperSonic101> the hashbrowns there are pretty good, but nothing compared to waffle house
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <SuperSonic101> 1 minute 52 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <F-Man> lol
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <SuperSonic101> also yes ihop pancakes pwn
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <SuperSonic101> and the crepes and stuff like that are awesome
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <booo95> nananananananana butt man
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <SuperSonic101> nanananannanannana shut the fuck up
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <Spinballwizard> I am write single to salute and wait for answer again.
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <_> We really need to get an fsay feature here.
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <booo95> hgghjjgjjgfjhdhklfshklhfdghgghhhgghgghgfghgfghf
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> you americans have like chains that are actual restaurants
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (Oh tin of pink meat / Must we enclue you firmly? / You are not Noah.)
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> the only good thing we have is tim hortins
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> which is going to america now isn't it
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <Spinballwizard> It's been here for a while.
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> fuck.
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <F-Man> hey
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> well we have one at every block
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <F-Man> booo did raise up a good argument
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <Spinballwizard> I know one Tim Hortons/Wendy's combo place.
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> you seriously can't drive a block in canada without seeing one
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <F-Man> i wonder if the answer is asldjfdaslaeeed
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <Spinballwizard> mmm
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> tim hortons coffee = good
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <Spinballwizard> and SS that's like Walgreens here
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <Spinballwizard> they're popping up like everywhere.
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh, true
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> we have like, one drug mart
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> shoppers drug mart
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <booo95> For some reson I keep getting kicked by _
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> but you guys have your walgreens and CVS and all that shit.
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (you think?)
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> ...
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> XDXDXD
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <F-Man> must be a glitch
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> :D
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> okay this is getting topic'd
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> Now all we need is for Gerbil to start using some /hack commands.
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <SuperSonic101> i wonder how old he is
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> I call 7.
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> effy quoted my fake chat
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> >_>
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <_> 90% chance of 10
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> that's made my day
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <F-Man> i did?
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> ...
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> >_>
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> though mike wasn't that a kick message?
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <Spinballwizard> by Sprint IIRC
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <mike89> yeah well he's not an op
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] =-= Mode #soniccenter +o F-Man by mike89
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <mike89> though things can change
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <F-Man> ahah i remember
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <F-Man> "must be a glitch"
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <F-Man> damn >_>
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <_> !top10 kicks
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <booo95> Hello again
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <ChanBot> Top10(kicks): 1. CosmicFalcon(100) 2. Sprint(71) 3. mike89(64) 4. Rolken(58) 5. CherryMay(24) 6. RPG(24) 7. LogBot(22) 8. Sonux(16) 9. SS|Away(12) 10. CF|college(7)
[2/10/2006 11:33 PM] <_> deregging really hurt my rank there
[2/10/2006 11:33 PM] <booo95> any one like penuts?
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <Spinballwizard> ...I'm not even going to say what I thought I read that as.
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <F-Man> i sure did read that as penis
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <mike89> XD!
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <SuperSonic101> XD
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <mike89> that makes three of us
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <F-Man> rofl
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <SuperSonic101> make that 4
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <booo95> What's so funny?
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <F-Man> but that's quite a smart question!
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (this is funny)
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] -->| SJ_PS2 ( has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <F-Man> makes you think he dd ask it only to make a certain typo...
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <mike89> aw, you've missed all the fun, SJ!
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> <booo95> What's so funny? <-- That he doesn't realize what we think is funny.
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <SuperSonic101> lawl
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] =-= SJ_PS2 is now known as ShadowJacky
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] -->| sonicam (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <ShadowJacky> booo was here?
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <SuperSonic101> yay you guys can all join in on the fun!
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> of course. soniham misses the fun.
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <mike89> :O
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <_> 46ef?
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] |<-- sonicam has left (AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring)
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <mike89> a sonicam!
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <_> booo was sonicam?
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <SuperSonic101> also SJ i have watched iron jungle and glyphic canyon and they ar epwn
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> !?
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> !seen sonicam
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <ChanBot> Spinballwizard, sonicam (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) was last seen quitting #soniccenter 13 seconds ago (10.02. 23:35) stating "AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring" after spending 15 seconds there.
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <mike89> nonono
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <Spinballwizard> !seen booo95
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ChanBot> Spinballwizard, I found 2 matches to your query: sonicam, booo95. sonicam (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) was last seen quitting #soniccenter 19 seconds ago (10.02. 23:35) stating "AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring" after spending 15 seconds there.
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <_> !seen *46ef*
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> :o?
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ChanBot> _, I found 2 matches to your query: sonicam, booo95. sonicam (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) was last seen quitting #soniccenter 21 seconds ago (10.02. 23:35) stating "AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring" after spending 15 seconds there.
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <Spinballwizard> :O :O :O
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> OSNAP
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ShadowJacky> heh, even though GC and IJ can be done faster
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> surely but they were pretty good
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <mike89> they match
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> especially GC
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> soniham loses.
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ShadowJacky> lol
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] -->| booo (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> ono
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <Spinballwizard> s
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ShadowJacky> is that him
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> z0rz
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <F-Man> wtf
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> BBQ
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <mike89> allow me to draw a quick parallel
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <mike89> remember when Dale did this?
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <Spinballwizard> No?
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <F-Man> ahah
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <mike89> you weren't here
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <Spinballwizard> Obviously.
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <F-Man> me either
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <_> DNSstuff can't find the geographic location of
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <booo> Okay whose the wise guy who typed in booo95 while i got kicked and had too get back in?
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> ur faec
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <SuperSonic101> hm
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** GerbilSoft AntiVirus v2.10 ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <SuperSonic101> bee are bee
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <--| SuperSonic101 has left #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <F-Man> i just thought of something
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <F-Man> sonic93 had that 93 because that's the year he was born right?
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <booo> I'll be right back
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <F-Man> so booo95... :O
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] |<-- booo has left (AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring)
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <mike89> er
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** GerbilSoft AntiVirus v2.10 ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <mike89> SM worked that out ages ago
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** Type !scan to scan your system. ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <Spinballwizard> it'd be funny if he believed Gerbil was a program.
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] -->| booo (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> i'll wait for him to come back
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** GerbilSoft AntiVirus v2.10 ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <mike89> [15:31:31] <SuperSonic101> i wonder how old he is
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <mike89> [15:31:42] <_> 90% chance of 10
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <F-Man> i thought he was saying that cause of stupidity
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] -->| SuperSonic101 ( has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <booo> Yeah, somethings messed up
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <SuperSonic101> arr.
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <F-Man> but this is funny
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <ShadowJacky> ohh emm gee
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <SuperSonic101> *** booo, you may be an idiot. Type !quit i'm an idiot to see if that's true. ***
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <booo> Who the freak is gerbilsoft?
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** GerbilSoft AntiVirus v2.10 ***
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** Created by Gerbil Software ***
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <F-Man> SS you mean /quit :(
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <Spinballwizard> Our resident antivirus program.
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <SuperSonic101> i phail
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <_> Use the PING command to attack someone, such as /ping _
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <SuperSonic101> *** booo, you may be an idiot. Type /quit i'm an idiot to see if that's true. ***
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <ShadowJacky> you guys are nutz
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <SuperSonic101> no u
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <GerbilSoft> ? what
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <_> Use the PING command to attack someone with the FLICKY FINGER OF DOOM, such as /ping _
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <booo> Yes he stoped saying that
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <GerbilSoft> it's my antivirus program
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <GerbilSoft> it thinks you might have a virus, so i suggest you scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <booo> How do I scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <mike89> ...
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <Spinballwizard> Type !scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <Spinballwizard> like so:
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <Spinballwizard> !scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <booo> !scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** Now scanning booo for viruses... ***
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <F-Man> [20:40] ShadowJacky: you guys are nuts
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <F-Man> [16:24] ShadowJacky: you guys are nutz
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <F-Man> [23:41] ShadowJacky: you guys are nutz
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <F-Man> hehe
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <SuperSonic101> ***WARNING! HIGH RISK LEVEL! BOOO, YOU MAY HAVE A VIRUS! TYPE /quit i'm an idiot TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE! URGENT***
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** VIRUS FOUND: Type /server VIRUS INFO for more information. ***
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <mike89> lawl effy
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> oh crap, it looks like you have a virus
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <booo> So now what
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> type /server virus info
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> booo follow my instructions
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> that'll give you more info
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> ***WARNING! HIGH RISK LEVEL! BOOO, YOU MAY HAVE A VIRUS! TYPE /quit i'm an idiot TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE! URGENT***
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <mike89> just do what the program tells you to do
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> my antivirus program is saying that it's urgent
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] >SuperSonic101< just let gerbil do his work >_>
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> ***WARNING! HIGH RISK LEVEL! BOOO, YOU MAY HAVE A VIRUS! TYPE /quit i'm an idiot TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE! URGENT***
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> SuperSonic101: yours is defective
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <ShadowJacky> too bad there's no mass pings
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> fu
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> The correct command is "/server VIRUS INFO"
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> quick, booo!
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> you're running out of time!
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> your computers gonna EXPLODE!
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <Spinballwizard> You could become the subject of a hacking very soon!
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> booo: I predict that if you don't type "/server VIRUS INFO" in the next 45 seconds, the virus will take over your computer.
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> ***WARNING! HIGH RISK LEVEL! BOOO, YOU MAY HAVE A VIRUS! TYPE /quit i'm an idiot TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE! URGENT***
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> Quick!
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> hm
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> apparently the command won't work on your computer
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> booo: Are you running Windows?
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <booo> yes
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> Looks like you're permanently infected. :(
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> (bust)
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <F-Man> lol
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <booo> I feel like this is a prank
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <F-Man> that must be your Plan B :P
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <mike89> windows ftl?
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> No, really.
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> You're using Windows. That in itself is a virus.
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <SuperSonic101> ono
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] * ShadowJacky shoots gerbil
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> I suggest you download and install - Kubuntu Linux
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <booo> I'll be right back, one minuite
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] |<-- booo has left (AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring)
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> or - OpenSUSE
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> .
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> i suggest you download and install[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <ShadowJacky> :o
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <_> that site's down
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> has a pumpkin image
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> it fails
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> shit
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <_> a mirror is at
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] -->| booo (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> does it have a new one?
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> .ca!
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <ShadowJacky> still cant believe you put that up
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <F-Man> canada ftw
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> go canada.
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft>
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <ShadowJacky> the pains are worse
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> booo, i suggest you download and install[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <F-Man> SJ did you click it
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> indeed
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <booo> I still can't change it to booo95
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <ShadowJacky> no
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> booo: You're still infected, that's why.
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> i saw all the pains
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <_> type "/nick booo95"
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> You have two solutions.
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <ShadowJacky> but I seen it before on accident
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <mike89> download and install?
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> A. Install a Linux distribution, such as or[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> they're fucking nasty.
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <mike89> more like "fucking copy/paste into your browser"
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> B. Get a Macintosh:[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <ShadowJacky> hell yeah
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <booo> My dad (yes I live with my parent and have my own computer) hates mac
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <GerbilSoft> Then install Linux.
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <mike89> hang on
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <SuperSonic101> the worst thing i've heard about is when a guy injects something into his something
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <booo> You know what, never mind about it
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <ShadowJacky> keep going SS
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <mike89> who doesn't hate Macs?
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> YOUR MOM[tm] (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> Macs aren't really that bad.
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <_> Steve Jobs?
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> except for the restrictions in the OS
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> "You can only use OUR window theme!"
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <F-Man> actually, who hate Macs?
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> "You can only use OUR dialogs"
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> etc
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <booo> One minuite gotta pee.
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <F-Man> yeah GS, that's the only problem
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <F-Man> interesting booo
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <mike89> hm
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] =-= booo was booted from #soniccenter by _ (that's not allowed here)
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <mike89> i call Zizou.
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <F-Man> i don't like how you have to click a window to get the menu
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> Windows isn't as restrictive, but it's still irritating.
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> (MSIE)
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <F-Man> and the dock
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> F-Man: KDE lets you select whether you want menus in each app (default) or a system-wide menu.
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> It only works for KDE apps though (i.e. not Firefox)
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <F-Man> yeah of course linux wins
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <F-Man> (if KDE is a linux disto that is)
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> KDE's a Desktop Environment for Unix/Linux
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> GNOME only lets you do one, because it's the one that's the "least confusing to the user".
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <booo95> Yes I can put booo95
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <GerbilSoft> Just like advanced printing options - because no one's going to want to change any printer options, ever!
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <_> Alphabetizing your menus is also easy under KDE...all the programs start with the letter K!
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <booo95> Any one here besides me and gerbilsoft
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:52 PM] <F-Man> ...
[2/10/2006 11:52 PM] <booo95> How about we talk about shadow the hedgehog
[2/10/2006 11:52 PM] <_> Have you tried inflicting damage with the PING command?
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <SuperSonic101> booo, how old are you?
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <_> Type "/ping _" to use your PING attack against me
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <F-Man> ok
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <F-Man> shadow the hedgehog sucks
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <SuperSonic101> i bet 95 is his birth year
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <F-Man> of course
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <F-Man> mike would tell you that SM clarified this long ago
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <mike89> *1995
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] * mike89 pedantic. >_>
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> i know
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <F-Man> also sonic93 lol
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> hm
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <booo95> Either that, my favorite year, or the year knuckles chaotix came out.
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> soon i'm going to make a microwave pizza
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <F-Man> 95 is more than that
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <mike89> wasn't Chaotix '96?
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> um it might be all 3
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <Spinballwizard> a good one or a crappy one SS?
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> in between
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <F-Man>[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> it's respectable
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <SuperSonic101> but its' a pizza, not a pizza pop/pocket
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <F-Man> booo you're not in births :(
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <SuperSonic101> lean cuisine is still the greatest microwave pizza EVER
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <F-Man> that must mean you're not important
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <booo95> Shadow the hedgehog rocks
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <_>[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <mike89> ahaha
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <_> April 20, 1995
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <mike89> wiki for the win
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <SuperSonic101> no it doesn't
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <SuperSonic101> it killed my guitar :(
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <ShadowJacky> ugh! goddamn headphones
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> [23:55:26] <booo95> Shadow the hedgehog rocks
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> So does Windows Vista!
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <mike89> wait
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> And have you seen my new pet? He's a flying pig!
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <mike89> do they both break guitars?
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <SuperSonic101> even though it cost me a guitar, STH is better than heroes.
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> (guitar)
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <Spinballwizard> Damn, that ground's getting cold.
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> Vista: (gu/\ar)
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> yeah, it does
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <Spinballwizard> Like even colder than usual.
[2/10/2006 11:57 PM] <F-Man> i prefer the level layouts of heroes
[2/10/2006 11:57 PM] <Spinballwizard> SS your mom is better than heroes
[2/10/2006 11:57 PM] <GerbilSoft> Is your mom three women at once?
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <mike89> so the way it seems to be portrayed here
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <mike89> urmom > shadow > urmom jokes > heroes.
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <booo95> did anyone ever actually watch any of the old sonic cartoons like the adventures of sonic the hedgehog and sonic underground cause I did.
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <SuperSonic101> good for you
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <ShadowJacky> mike...I have read all 3 of the fake chats
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <F-Man> i watched SU
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <Spinballwizard> The more pressing question is does anybody care?
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> i actually don't know which one i watched
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> AoStH i think
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <ShadowJacky> they both sucked
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> lies
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> also SJ what is your point.
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <ShadowJacky> SatAM was the best
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <booo95> Sonic underground still comes on at 5:30 in the morning on kdfi27
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <ShadowJacky> my point about the fake chats?
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> yeah
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <booo95> No aosth was
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <ShadowJacky> ...I liked them
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <GerbilSoft> your mom's a fake chat
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <PsyMar> I liked my bit :D
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <F-Man> uh i would be happy to know someone read long text stuff i wrote X)
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <ShadowJacky> if it was good f-man
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <PsyMar> ...and it was pretty accurate, I probably would have died on the metal harbor competition
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <mike89> heh
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <mike89> i only screwed one bit up
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <mike89> SBW was meant to survive the first two sections
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <ShadowJacky> even though you had me crash
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <Spinballwizard> Well mike then you'd have to make it so that SA2B low score wasn't the first challenge. >_>
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <mike89> psh
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <mike89> surely you could beat six people.
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <mike89> or really five, given Andy crashed and burned.
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <PsyMar> I think all you'd have to do there is finish the stage
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <PsyMar> I would've lost a life too
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <PsyMar> probably a few others
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <Spinballwizard> even though I don't usually play for low score and have never played Metal Harbor?
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <booo95> I've heard that the tails doll from sonic r is haunted.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <GerbilSoft> Kanye West says he should be in the bible.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <Spinballwizard> RPGnutter has the Tails Doll.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <GerbilSoft> "God doesn't care about black people."
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <PsyMar> Spinballwizard: I think all you'd have to do is finish the stage and you'd have pulled it off.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <PsyMar> one thing's obvious, though -- I wasn't driving.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <Spinballwizard> >_>
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <PsyMar> If I had been, nobody else would've been behind team Psy for us to be crashed into
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <mike89> heh
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <booo95> What about the tails doll
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <Spinballwizard> RPGnutter has it.
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <F-Man> there's more to it than just finish the stage
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <Spinballwizard> It watches over him.
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <Spinballwizard> And makes him do crazy things.
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <PsyMar> F-Man: If the other 6 people lost a life, then no, there isn't
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <Spinballwizard> Which sometimes makes us do crazy things.
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <booo95> Can someone tell me about the tails doll
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <F-Man> no rings, no enemies, no somersault under thight spaces, getting the rocket handle in a bad time, finishing the stage in a bad time...
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <PsyMar> Er. Time bonus didn't count for score
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <mike89> i did say disregarding time bonus
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (it kicks you at night when you sleep)
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <PsyMar> according to the story rules
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <F-Man> meh whatever
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <GerbilSoft> So _'s Tails Doll
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <PsyMar> And you can have as high a score as you want if other people crash and burn.
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <booo95> I'm outta here for now.
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <F-Man> :O
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <_> yay!
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] |<-- booo95 has left (AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring)