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Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments


Author Topic: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments  (Read 709201 times)

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Offline F-Man

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #120 on: December 30, 2005, 01:29:31 am »

I loved this part:

<mike89> well with it being Christmas Eve and all
<mike89> what’s everyone getting?
<RPG> why, a PS3 and Sonic of course :o
<AndrewJ> Revo and all the launch titles
<mike89> …
<CherryMay> …
<Rolken> …

Offline Bilan

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #121 on: December 30, 2005, 09:21:12 am »

But what happened to UberBomberEmeraldMan4D? D:


/me flee
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline CosmicFalcon

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #122 on: December 30, 2005, 10:18:08 am »
<CosmicFalcon> yes we are just having a break


Incidently, I like this fake chat.


However! I have alternate ending++

<Emma_Watson> hey I like the british accent, so sue me
* Rolken sues flyby.
<Rolken> expect your letter in the mail within five working days
<Emma_Watson> :(
<Emma_Watson> well I don’t care, I have made my decision, I love CF.
<Rolken> well FINE.
* Emma_Watson was kicked by Rolken (we don’t need to know about your antics any more)
* flyby has joined #soniccenter

<flyby> Well, aren't you wondering how I got to Southampton so quickly?
<Rolken> no u
<Rolken> actually yes.
* Cherry\Away is now known as CherryMay
<flyby> I used mystical teleportation powers! 'BZZAP', remember?
<Rolken> :o
<CherryMay> TELEPORTO~?
<flyby> yes. I am Athena.
<CherryMay> poor cf, no mai for him :(
<flyby> I'm not really
<CherryMay> :(
* flyby is now known as CosmicFalcon
<Rolken> Damn you CF! Damn you flyby! Damn fourth Chaos Emerald!
<Rolken> you're going straight to hell :(
<CosmicFalcon> no u
<Rolken> no urmom
<CosmicFalcon> teleporto eh... that gives me an idea...
* CosmicFalcon hears a BZZZAP
<CosmicFalcon> :)
<Rolken> ...
* CosmicFalcon hears a BZZZAP
<CosmicFalcon> :D
<mike89> o_o
<CherryMay> cf what are you doing
<CosmicFalcon> wait and see!
* Emma_Watson has joined #soniccenter
<CherryMay> ...
<Sprint> ...
<mike89> ...
<Rolken> ...
<_> Emma_Watson and CosmicFalcon have the same IP
<mike89> flyby again?
* flyby has joined #soniccenter
<CherryMay> ...
<Sprint> ...
<mike89> ...
<Rolken> ...
<_> same IP again
<Emma_Watson> r u all dum or what.
<flyby> er... wrong window.
<flyby> I used my teleportation powers to kidnap emma for cf!
<flyby> on that note...
* flyby BZZZAP
* flyby is now known as flyby\away
<Rolken> :o
<Rolken> does this mean I get flyby back.
<Rolken> ...
<CherryMay> well cf and emma seem qui-
<mike89> What do you expect.
<mike89> He was gone for ages when it wasn't really emma, and now - seemingly - it is!
* Emma_Watson has quit IRC (Quit: exactly ;))
* CherryMay has quit IRC (Quit: BZZZAP)

<Sprint> ...
<mike89> ...
<Rolken> ...
* flyby\away BZZZAP
* flyby\away is now known as flyby
* CherryMay has joined #soniccenter

<_> same IP
<Sprint> ...
<mike89> ...
<Rolken> ...
* flyby has quit IRC (Quit: :D mwahahaha)
<CherryMay> well I am here now :(
* CherryMay has quit IRC (Quit: bye~)
<Rolken> ...
<CosmicFalcon> well I uh...
<CosmicFalcon> ...can't really talk right now so I'll just...
* CosmicFalcon has quit IRC (Quit: don't worry, we'll take care of him :))
<Sprint> ...
<Rolken> what just happened.
<mike89> I... don't know.
<mike89> it's like all of CF's luck suddenly turned good
<mike89> it's almost like everything happened in such a way,
<mike89> that it's exactly how he would have written it.
<Rolken> eerie.
* Rolken sleep.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2005, 11:01:30 am by CosmicFalcon »
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

Offline CosmicFalcon

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #123 on: December 30, 2005, 11:00:59 am »
*this is a separate post because I want to enable html up in here*

.text {
font-family:"Courier New", Courier, mono;

.green {
font-family:"Courier New", Courier, mono;

.purple {
font-family:"Courier New", Courier, mono;

.title {
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

A while ago I too started writing a fake chat based around Christmas 05. However, I only got this far:

<p class="title">TSC - A Christmas Story</p>

<p class="text">
<span class="green">* Now talking in #oniccenter</span>

&lt;@CosmicFalcon&gt; gah

<span class="green">* @CosmicFalcon has left #oniccenter</span>

<span class="green">* Now talking in #soniccenter

* Topic is 'The Zomg Car Center - - Where CF can drive wtf. | Word of the day: vroom

* Set by CosmicFalcon on Mon Dec 12 17:03:48

* ChanServ sets mode: +o CosmicFalcon</span>

&lt;@CosmicFalcon&gt; hihi
« Last Edit: December 30, 2005, 11:01:45 am by CosmicFalcon »
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

Offline yse

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #124 on: December 30, 2005, 11:16:30 pm »
In MSN, but too good to leave out.

RPG, Chuck and I were discussing something completely unrelated (read: uncyclopedia =P). This came out of nowhere.

And since we all have uberlong MSN names, I've just replaced them with RPG, Chuck and mike89.

<Chuck> *looks at moms cock*
<Chuck> *clock
<mike89> XD!!!
<RPG> O_0
<mike89> dan, chat quote?
<RPG> Very much so

Also w00t, for I am now a member of the exclusive 500 Club!

Total members: 5 (because Dale doesn't count.)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2005, 11:20:02 pm by mike89 »

<3 Thorn.

Offline Spinballwizard

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #125 on: January 08, 2006, 01:42:31 pm »
Actually I am doing a fake chat that I hope to finish by next week, to stick with consistency with stuff that's happening inside. Now mike has to be the first one to see it (because he requested it), but I'll post it afterwards. I already have 7 pages. :o

EDIT: Oh yeah, and it's unrelated to the so-called Conventional Trilogy.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2006, 01:42:52 pm by Spinballwizard »
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline Bilan

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #126 on: January 08, 2006, 02:11:27 pm »
Actually I am doing a fake chat that I hope to finish by next week, to stick with consistency with stuff that's happening inside. Now mike has to be the first one to see it (because he requested it), but I'll post it afterwards. I already have 7 pages. :o

EDIT: Oh yeah, and it's unrelated to the so-called Conventional Trilogy.

Zomg a spin-off~ *shot*
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Offline Spinballwizard

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #127 on: January 09, 2006, 07:13:16 pm »
*hides gun* >_>

This isn't the fake chat, but it still makes the topic.

[1/9/2006 6:55 PM] -->| brandondubroc (~41464d09@ has joined #soniccenter
[1/9/2006 6:56 PM] <brandondubroc> I need help
[1/9/2006 6:56 PM] <brandondubroc> I need help
[1/9/2006 6:56 PM] <brandondubroc> I need help
[1/9/2006 6:57 PM] <brandondubroc> I need help
[1/9/2006 6:57 PM] <brandondubroc> I need help
[1/9/2006 6:57 PM] <brandondubroc> I need help
[1/9/2006 6:57 PM] <F-Man> help, you need
[1/9/2006 6:58 PM] <F-Man> it's great you say so because admitting is usually the hardest step
[1/9/2006 6:58 PM] <F-Man> ;)
[1/9/2006 7:02 PM] <mike89> who's the guest?
[1/9/2006 7:02 PM] |<-- Bigboi has left (Quit: )
[1/9/2006 7:02 PM] <F-Man> w00t, got rid of all my sadx yellow stats
[1/9/2006 7:02 PM] -->| MK ( has joined #soniccenter
[1/9/2006 7:02 PM] <Spinballwizard> mike I am not sure. :o
[1/9/2006 7:04 PM] <mike89> F-Man: that's a damn good Chaos 6
[1/9/2006 7:04 PM] <Spinballwizard> okay now this is going to sound weird but for some reason I feel like playing Sonic Heroes.
[1/9/2006 7:04 PM] <mike89> :O
[1/9/2006 7:05 PM] <mike89> i call bs.
[1/9/2006 7:05 PM] <F-Man> mike: but you have one second better :o
[1/9/2006 7:05 PM] <mike89> effy yeah
[1/9/2006 7:05 PM] <MK> SBW the first step is admitting you have a problem :P

Now in case you missed it, F-Man said that before MK even joined the channel (and it was completely unrelated). So unless MK pulled an RPG a-la Fake Chat MkII (in which case mike would say, and should've said "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT"), that was one freaky coincidence.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline Bilan

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #128 on: January 10, 2006, 03:33:41 am »
So unless MK pulled an RPG a-la Fake Chat MkII (in which case mike would say, and should've said "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT"), that was one freaky coincidence.

Despite that being used in FakeChatMkII ti actually happened on AIM first D:
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Spinballwizard

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #129 on: January 10, 2006, 02:03:36 pm »
RPG I know but the joke is that it's not possible on IRC, whereas on AIM there's the invisibility feature!

Also I actually did play Sonic Heroes that night and improved some of my (sometimes still) crap Rose times. D:
« Last Edit: January 10, 2006, 02:05:08 pm by Spinballwizard »
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline Bilan

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #130 on: January 10, 2006, 05:26:38 pm »
whereas on AIM there's the invisibility feature!

I was using AOL which doesnt have that as far as I'm aware :(
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline qubit

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #131 on: January 14, 2006, 02:47:13 pm »
I decided to let this guy self destruct:

<Anonymouse> oy
<Anonymouse> crap is anyone here?
* Anonymouse kicks himself
Me: Do you find it odd that CF's top two loves rank last in his Bouncy rankings? x_x
mike89: yes. yes i do.
mike89: but then i find CF odd.
Me: so do I.

The odds of meeting a TSCer randomly on the street, at any given time anywhere in the world, is approximately 15,785,611 to 1 ... and growing.

Offline qubit

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #132 on: January 14, 2006, 07:47:04 pm »
RPG takes on therapy...

*** SaintJimmy is now known as RPG
* theenglishman wonders that also
<mike89> oh god damn it
<mike89> effy did you beat me in bosses D:
* theenglishman laughs
<F-Man> lawl
<mike89> that was the only damn thing i was good at!
<F-Man> like, totally... by 2 points
<RPG> Today
<RPG> We are interviewing a person
* mike89 will go back and beat you eventually
<theenglishman> rpg do you have any of ninty's lost vids?
<RPG> Who beat the living shit out of thin air for no apparent reason!
<mike89> 'KAY?
<RPG> Tell me Sir, did you have a motive?
<theenglishman> no
<RPG> Mike: DOnt make me therapise you too for Turrets.
<mike89> ...
<mike89> what did i do to turrets?
<theenglishman> well, maybe since I'm studing for my Drama exam, I got angry.  There!
<RPG> >_>
<RPG> You said 'fucking'
<RPG> Well in conclusion!
<RPG> Dont study for your drama exam!
<RPG> Problem solved!
<mike89> :D
<RPG> Session over!
<RPG> That'll be $4123.56 please.
<mike89> what's RPG vs The World up to now?
<theenglishman> me
<RPG> (182 - 16)
<theenglishman> interrogating me for kicking thin air
<RPG> Right then mikey
<mike89> brb :o
<RPG> Exactly what made you use the word 'fucking' in such an unnecessaru manner?
<mike89> I call BS.
<F-Man> hey mike, there was something i wanted to ask you
* theenglishman ALSO SPEAKS IN CAPITALS!!!
<RPG> Are you going to answer the question or is further therapy required?
<F-Man> do you know what's the longest standing championship on TSC?
<RPG> Oh lookie, we've got a comedian.
<RPG> Clearly
<RPG> You have some form of personality disorder
<mike89> longest standing Championship?
<RPG> called 'wit'.
<mike89> i think that's me on Sonic 3, but i'd have to look it up
<RPG> And to solve this problem!
<F-Man> ok
* F-Man time machiiiine
<RPG> That'll be $642.76 please.
<mike89> i think i first got it in early '04
* mike89 forks over $642.75
<RPG> Why thank you
Me: Do you find it odd that CF's top two loves rank last in his Bouncy rankings? x_x
mike89: yes. yes i do.
mike89: but then i find CF odd.
Me: so do I.

The odds of meeting a TSCer randomly on the street, at any given time anywhere in the world, is approximately 15,785,611 to 1 ... and growing.

Offline Aere Alouette

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #133 on: January 26, 2006, 04:46:20 am »
Although it was a long time ago, I still think this was absolutely hilarious (I don't have the whole topic name since this is off a picture I snapped, but the point still gets across):

<F-Man> osnos CF
<CosmicFalcon> ok 1.
<CosmicFalcon> I can speak real Enlgish.
<CosmicFalcon> ...
<CosmicFalcon> fuck.
<CosmicFalcon> let's pretent THAT never happened.
<CosmicFalcon> 1. I can speak real English.
<Tails> Looks like it's working by using another program...2MB so far
<CosmicFalcon> 2. I am not stupid.
<F-Man> wut, i never said it was you :o
<CosmicFalcon> yeah but shut up
<CosmicFalcon> moreover
<CosmicFalcon> shut up
<F-Man> :x
<F-Man> ...Enlgish. :P
<Greham2> Enlgish...we don't call it Engrish anymore
*** CosmicFalcon changed the topic to: The Enlgish Center - - Liek teh engrishes butt kewl++ | - Oh, Polna, Polna Korobushka~ | Word of the day: colposinquanonia

I pulled the rest from the topic history on the Full Stats page.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2006, 04:49:14 am by Greham Adelphis »
Sonic 3D Blast Champion (So many times I can't count.)

Offline CosmicFalcon

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #134 on: January 26, 2006, 03:33:47 pm »
[20:37:18] * CosmicFalcon sets mode: +cf

« Last Edit: February 03, 2006, 12:08:16 pm by CosmicFalcon »
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

Offline Spinballwizard

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #135 on: January 31, 2006, 02:49:31 pm »
[1/30/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> wtf why the lack of swearing from you today?
[1/30/2006 11:31 PM] <_> there's mode +G in the room
[1/30/2006 11:31 PM] <SuperSonic101> ?
[1/30/2006 11:32 PM] <SuperSonic101> it doesn't appear censored
[1/30/2006 11:32 PM] <SuperSonic101> wait
[1/30/2006 11:32 PM] <SuperSonic101> so theres censor
[1/30/2006 11:32 PM] <SuperSonic101> so i can be like
[1/30/2006 11:32 PM] <_> when you try to send a word that matches a censored list, it shows to you just fine
[1/30/2006 11:32 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> nigger twat
[1/30/2006 11:32 PM] <_> but it shows to everyone else as <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:32 PM] <SuperSonic101> what did that show up as?
[1/30/2006 11:32 PM] <_> "nigger" and "twat" weren't censored, the rest were
[1/30/2006 11:33 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:33 PM] <SuperSonic101> i like <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:33 PM] <SuperSonic101> i like eating <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:33 PM] <SuperSonic101> hehe
[1/30/2006 11:33 PM] <SuperSonic101> do you have a list of the censored words
[1/30/2006 11:33 PM] <_> no
[1/30/2006 11:34 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> I'll check the UnrealIRCd default
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored> <censored> homo cock <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <mike89> heh
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <mike89> <SuperSonic101> <censored> <censored> homo cock <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <SuperSonic101> XD
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] <MK> badword channel { word "<censored>"; };
[1/30/2006 11:35 PM] =-= MK was booted from #soniccenter by Server (Flooding (Limit is 10 lines per 30 seconds))
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> lawl
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] -->| MK (MK@3C6B3CCD.AC8CCF46.F7859C1C.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> smart
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <MK> o_O
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <mike89> XD.
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <MK> You saw 10 of them? All <censored> huh? ._.
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> it's pointless trying to tell me what the censored words are
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> you know why?
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <MK> XD.
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> THEY'RE CENSORED!
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <mike89> er...
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <MK> God I;m a tard
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> spell out the words
[1/30/2006 11:36 PM] <mike89> pm ftw?
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <Sonux> D:
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> pm me them
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <Sonux> <censored> is <censored>?
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <Sonux> D:
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <Sonux> I can't say <censored> anymore :(
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] =-= YOU are now known as censored
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> i can still say <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <censored> or can you
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> i can
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> it's showing up
[1/30/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <MK> puss.y, fuc.k, whor.e, slu.t, shi.t, asshol.e, bitc.h, cun.t, vagin.a, peni.s, jackas.s, *<censored>.r*, faggo.t, fa.g, horn.y, ga.y, dickhea.d, sonuvabitc.h, *fuc.k*, tit.s
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <Sonux> I can't, it get's changes to <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <SuperSonic101> lmao
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <SuperSonic101> i find it humourous that peni.s and vagin.a are censored
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <Sonux> is <censored> on the "bad word" list?
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <MK> did any of those get censored?
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <MK> 23:38:24 <Sonux> is <censored> on the "bad word" list?
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <Sonux> D:
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <SuperSonic101> <MK> puss.y, fuc.k, whor.e, slu.t, shi.t, asshol.e, bitc.h, cun.t, vagin.a, peni.s, jackas.s, *<censored>.r*, faggo.t, fa.g, horn.y, ga.y, dickhea.d, sonuvabitc.h, *fuc.k*, tit.s
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <censored> pussy fuck whore slut shit asshole bitch cunt vagina penis jackass faggot fag horny gay dickhead sonuvabitch tits
[1/30/2006 11:38 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored> <censored> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <MK> *.f.u.c.k.e.r.*
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <SuperSonic101> i <censored> a <censored> <censored> <censored> up the <censored> twenty times last night
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <MK> with no dots <_<
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <Sonux> [11:39 PM] <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <--- if only I was an op :(
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <SuperSonic101> and i licked her <censored> while raping her <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> nigger <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] =-= YOU are now known as Spinballwizard
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <Spinballwizard> What happened to Sonux's op statuses?
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <Sonux> It went away when I went idle, appearantly.
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <mike89> they got destroyed
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <SuperSonic101> they got <censored> up the <censored> like a crazy <censored> <censored> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <mike89> also eaten
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] <Sonux> D:
[1/30/2006 11:39 PM] =-= SuperSonic101 is now known as fuck
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <Sonux> You ate them, didn't you? :(
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <fuck> zoh emm jee
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <Sonux> ...
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] * fuck <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <Sonux> [11:40 PM] <<censored>> zoh emm jee
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <Sonux> nice
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <MK> Also note
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <fuck> does it actually appear as that?
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] =-= fuck is now known as penis
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <penis> zomg
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <MK> all those censored words apply to PMs and Quits as well
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <Sonux> It is your name, but I can't say it. :(
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <penis> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <penis> you mean <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] <Sonux> zomg wut how can pms be censored?
[1/30/2006 11:40 PM] =-= penis is now known as horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <Sonux> It's a channel mode?
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore> zomg
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <MK> it's coded into the ircd
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <Sonux> D:
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <Spinballwizard> Good thing I'm logging. This has to get topic'd.
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore> <censored> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <Sonux> Wait... What's ircd?
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore> your moms ircd
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore> when i <censored> her up the <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <MK> the program that runs the server
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] * horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] * CherryMay looks into the screen and wtfs.
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <MK> XD
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] <horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore> hi cherry
[1/30/2006 11:41 PM] =-= horny_jackass_pussy_fuck_whore was booted from #soniccenter by CherryMay (stop that :()
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] -->| SuperSonic101 ( has joined #soniccenter
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <Sonux> :o
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <mike89> cherry did you really look =into= the screen then.
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <Spinballwizard> I am so glad I have logging on
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <Sonux> zomg <censored> is censored
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <SuperSonic101> well your a <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> raping twat munching poo licking <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <CherryMay> I did!
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] =-= SuperSonic101 was booted from #soniccenter by CherryMay (no u)
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <GerbilSoft> fu
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] -->| SuperSonic101 ( has joined #soniccenter
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <SuperSonic101> u
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <GerbilSoft> <stfu>
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:42 PM] <GerbilSoft> <html>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] =-= SuperSonic101 was booted from #soniccenter by CherryMay (its not actually that funny :()
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> <censored>lolo</censored>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <Spinballwizard> </html>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] -->| SuperSonic101 ( has joined #soniccenter
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> <censored>lolo</censored>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> fu
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <Sonux> [11:41 PM] * CherryMay looks into the screen and <censored>. <--- zomg wut
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <Sonux> GS r win D:
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> what'd that appear as
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <MK> <?php echo STFU ?>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <CherryMay> ...
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <MK> is that correct?
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <Spinballwizard> w t f is censored?
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <mike89> sonux: h4x
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> <censored> <-- What is this?
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <CherryMay> oh christ.
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> <cens0red>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> fu
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] =-= GerbilSoft was booted from #soniccenter by CherryMay (it's YOU)
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] -->| GerbilSoft ( has joined #soniccenter
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> fu
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> what's it appear as
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <MK> XD
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <Spinballwizard> fu
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <Sonux> [11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> fu
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> no
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> What's that appear as?
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <CherryMay> ...
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <Spinballwizard> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <Sonux> [11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> O_o
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <mike89> <GerbilSoft> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> <GerbilSoft> i'm a <censored> <censored> twat
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <Sonux> [11:44 PM] <Sonux> [11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <mike89> <censored>, two seconds too slow
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> Apparently /quit LOLOL is censored
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> weird
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <MK> XDD
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <Sonux> zomg lemme try
[1/30/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> ok then /quit LOLOL didn't work
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> it's only censored at the beginning of the line o_O
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <SuperSonic101> u loez
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <Spinballwizard> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <Spinballwizard> apparently so is /quit moron
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <SuperSonic101> <censored>
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <SuperSonic101> you're right, gerbilsoft!
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> freaky, isn't it
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <mike89> sweet
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <SuperSonic101> tis
[1/30/2006 11:45 PM] <Sonux> GS I doubt, or at least hope, none of us actually believe you. :( You need to try that when a new person comes in though.
[1/30/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> :P
[1/30/2006 11:46 PM] <mike89> Bisqwit accepted Sonic Advance 2
[1/30/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh i was surprised that sonic93 didn't fall for it
[1/30/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** sonic93 has joined #SonicCenter
[1/30/2006 11:46 PM] <mike89>
[1/30/2006 11:46 PM] <CherryMay> :O
[1/30/2006 11:46 PM] <mike89> unfortunately, cherry, still no word on Wario Land 4 :(
[1/30/2006 11:46 PM] <CherryMay> SA2 beats WL4!
[1/30/2006 11:46 PM] <mike89> :(
[1/30/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> honestly though why are pe.nis and vag.ina censored
[1/30/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> they aren't bad words :(
[1/30/2006 11:47 PM] <CherryMay> ss101 its because of people like you trying to use them in supposedly everyday conversation
[1/30/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> FREE V1A.GRA!!!!111
[1/30/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> etc
[1/30/2006 11:47 PM] <mike89> heh
[1/30/2006 11:47 PM] <Spinballwizard> I guess now the G-Rated Center takes on a whole new meaning.
[1/30/2006 11:48 PM] <mike89> X)
[1/30/2006 11:48 PM] <Sonux> :(
[1/30/2006 11:48 PM] <SuperSonic101> well what if i was explaining the human body to someone >.>
[1/30/2006 11:48 PM] <_> then do it in another channel
[1/30/2006 11:48 PM] <Sonux> I just got that, SBW
[1/30/2006 11:48 PM] <_> like #biology or something
[1/30/2006 11:48 PM] <Sonux> mode +G = G-Rated
[1/30/2006 11:48 PM] <MK> #anatomy
[1/30/2006 11:48 PM] <Spinballwizard> Anyways I must go
[1/30/2006 11:49 PM] =-= mike89 has changed the topic to ``The G-Rated Center - - <censored> YOU <censored> <censored> | Word of the day: <censored>''
[1/30/2006 11:49 PM] <Spinballwizard> mike we still need a TSC temp down message :(
[1/30/2006 11:49 PM] <mike89> true that :(
[1/30/2006 11:49 PM] <Spinballwizard> and I call putting this in The Topic when TSC's back
[1/30/2006 11:50 PM] <Sonux> The <censored> is Down?
[1/30/2006 11:50 PM] =-= mike89 has changed the topic to ``The G-Rated Center - - <censored> YOU <censored> <censored> | onos the site is down :( | Word of the day: <censored>''
[1/30/2006 11:50 PM] <mike89> nah
[1/30/2006 11:51 PM] <Spinballwizard> anyways I must get to sleep because I have school tomorrow :(
[1/30/2006 11:51 PM] <SuperSonic101> laters sbw.

Best Line in there: [11:39 PM] <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored>
« Last Edit: January 31, 2006, 02:57:29 pm by Spinballwizard »
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline Spinballwizard

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #136 on: January 31, 2006, 04:11:51 pm »
[1/31/2006 3:53 PM] -->| sonic93 (~18bba965@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[1/31/2006 3:54 PM] <sonic93> wassup persons
[1/31/2006 3:54 PM] <Rolken> sky
[1/31/2006 3:54 PM] <sonic93> what sky
[1/31/2006 3:55 PM] <Rolken> the one that occupies space not covered with ground
[1/31/2006 3:55 PM] <sonic93> oh.......
[1/31/2006 3:55 PM] <sonic93> wheres gerbilsoft
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> Not here.
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <sonic93> oh
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <sonic93> wait, that is gerbilsoft
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <Rolken> ...
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> -
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <GerbilSoft>               _      ___
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <GerbilSoft>   ___    _ __| |_   |__ \
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <GerbilSoft>  / _ \  | '__| | | | |/ /
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> | (_) | | |  | | |_| |_|
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <GerbilSoft>  \___/  |_|  |_|\__, (_)
[1/31/2006 3:56 PM] <GerbilSoft>                 |___/
[1/31/2006 3:57 PM] <sonic93> anyone see that bastard supersonic101
[1/31/2006 3:57 PM] <F-Man> lol sonic93 is out to get revenge and kill people
[1/31/2006 3:57 PM] <Rolken> osnap
[1/31/2006 3:57 PM] <F-Man> don't forget me dude :(
[1/31/2006 3:57 PM] <Rolken> kick asses and take names?
[1/31/2006 3:57 PM] <sonic93> what!?
[1/31/2006 3:57 PM] <GerbilSoft> SuperSonic101 performed an illegal operation and was shut down.
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] <GerbilSoft> Much like your computer does all the time, since it's a Dell running Windows :D
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] <GerbilSoft> *shot*
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] <sonic93> hahahaha lol
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] =-= Mode #SonicCenter +oa Rolken Rolken by ChanServ
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] <Rolken> you know what that means
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] =-= Mode #SonicCenter +b *!*@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP by Rolken
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] <GerbilSoft> ONOS TEH BAN
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] <GerbilSoft> *BAN*
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] =-= sonic93 was booted from #soniccenter by Rolken (actually you probably don't)
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] <GerbilSoft> Good work, you just banned the TSC IRC client.
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] |<-- Bit has left (AIRC Quit: UnderworldUnderworldUnderworldUnderworldUnderworldUnderworldUnderworldUnderworldUnderworldUnderworld) (EHEYEARESEE Quit: Restart)
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] =-= Mode #SonicCenter -b *!*@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP by Rolken
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] -->| sonic93 (~18bba965@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[1/31/2006 3:58 PM] <Rolken> silly mirc
[1/31/2006 3:59 PM] <GerbilSoft> leave him here, he's a good source of entertainment
[1/31/2006 3:59 PM] <GerbilSoft> :D
[1/31/2006 3:59 PM] * Rolken gets xchat again
[1/31/2006 3:59 PM] <sonic93> what happened
[1/31/2006 3:59 PM] <GerbilSoft> sonic93: Your Dell crashed.
[1/31/2006 3:59 PM] <sonic93> what happened
[1/31/2006 3:59 PM] <GerbilSoft> sonic93: Your Dell crashed.
[1/31/2006 3:59 PM] <Rolken> gerbil hacked you
[1/31/2006 3:59 PM] <GerbilSoft> it crashed because i hacked :D
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <CosmicFalcon> /hack sonic93 Dell crash
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <sonic93> fu
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <GerbilSoft> sonic93: Want to prevent crashes?
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <sonic93> yes
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <CosmicFalcon> step one: stfu
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <GerbilSoft> - Download and install Kubuntu Linux
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <CosmicFalcon> step two: gtfo
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <_> Use the Dell command!
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <GerbilSoft> :)
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <_> unfortunately commands are limited to 3 letters
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <GerbilSoft> ok
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <sonic93> ill check out the site
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <GerbilSoft> TRIVIA QUESTION
[1/31/2006 4:00 PM] <GerbilSoft> What company created the first IBM-compatible PC?
[1/31/2006 4:01 PM] <_> so go to Start, Run... then type "del c:/ntldr"
[1/31/2006 4:01 PM] <_> It protects your computer!
[1/31/2006 4:01 PM] <GerbilSoft> sonic93: What company created the first IBM-compatible PC?
[1/31/2006 4:01 PM] <sonic93> i dont know
[1/31/2006 4:01 PM] <_> how about IBM
[1/31/2006 4:01 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] <Rolken> lols
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] <GerbilSoft> reminds me of a question we asked some idiot at school
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] <GerbilSoft> "How many pins does a DB-25 cable have?)
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] -->| PsyBorg ( has joined #soniccenter
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] <GerbilSoft> "
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] <sonic93> fu
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] <_> Type that Dell security command and your computer won't be hacked again
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] <PsyBorg> Eh?
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] <_> it's "del c:/ntldr" at the Run box
[1/31/2006 4:02 PM] <sonic93> nice try
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <GerbilSoft> _: You can't run "del" in the run box.
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <Rolken> osnaps
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <Rolken> bammo!
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <GerbilSoft> I assume you know "NTLDR" is the "New Technology for Loading Destructive Resources"
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <GerbilSoft> i.e. a hacking program
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <sonic93> duh
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <GerbilSoft> Most likely it exists on your computer, which means anyone can easily hack you :D
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <CosmicFalcon> if you don't delete it we can continue to use the /hack command
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <sonic93> fu
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] =-= sonic93 was booted from #soniccenter by CosmicFalcon (/hack.)
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <GerbilSoft> OH NOES
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] <Rolken> .hack?
[1/31/2006 4:03 PM] -->| Bit ( has joined #soniccenter
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <GerbilSoft> YUO STOELED HIS MEGAHURTZ
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <CosmicFalcon> no rolken
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <Rolken> whaosnap
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] -->| sonic93 (~18bba965@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <GerbilSoft> YUO STOELED HIS MEGAHURTZ
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <Rolken> BIT = SONIC93
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <Rolken> owait
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <Rolken> also gerbil what is the origin of that
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <CosmicFalcon> rolken fail
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <CosmicFalcon> or...
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <CosmicFalcon> &rolken fail
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <Rolken> for I see it all over the intenret
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <GerbilSoft> some fake ad
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <GerbilSoft> or something
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <sonic93> stop hacking me bitch
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <GerbilSoft> i don't know
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <Rolken> this & crap looks annoying
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <CosmicFalcon> to stop the hacking you have to delete the hacker file
[1/31/2006 4:04 PM] <sonic93> how do ya do that
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <GerbilSoft> sonic93: Want to stop being hacked? Call 1-800-939-5700, get an operator, and tell them this exactly: "FIX YOUR FUCKING CODE, YOU FUCKING N00BS"
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <sonic93> nice try
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <Rolken> how do you say words with numbers in :(
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <CosmicFalcon> rolken you say it like
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <CosmicFalcon> nnaughtnaughtbs
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <CosmicFalcon> or
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <Rolken> oic
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <CosmicFalcon> nzerozerobs
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <CosmicFalcon> that is a cool word
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <Rolken> that sounds unwieldy :(
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <sonic93> fu
[1/31/2006 4:05 PM] <CosmicFalcon> nzerozerobs...
[1/31/2006 4:06 PM] * GerbilSoft hacks sonic93 for stealing his trademark
[1/31/2006 4:06 PM] <GerbilSoft> /hack sonic93 Trademark Infringement
[1/31/2006 4:06 PM] <Rolken> sonic93 you should go somewhere like :(
[1/31/2006 4:06 PM] =-= sonic93 was booted from #soniccenter by CosmicFalcon (HACK command used by GerbilSoft)
[1/31/2006 4:06 PM] -->| sonic93 (~18bba965@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[1/31/2006 4:06 PM] <CosmicFalcon> oh man you got hacked.
[1/31/2006 4:06 PM] <CosmicFalcon> like up the ram
[1/31/2006 4:07 PM] <sonic93> you sonna bitch STOP HACKING ME
[1/31/2006 4:07 PM] <GerbilSoft> :)
[1/31/2006 4:07 PM] <_> If you can afford to call a non-toll-free number and want revenge, do 1-202-353-1555 and tell him how much you're going to hack him back
[1/31/2006 4:07 PM] <sonic93> SCREW YA
[1/31/2006 4:07 PM] <PsyBorg>  /hack SonicCenter No reason
[1/31/2006 4:07 PM] =-= sonic93 was booted from #soniccenter by CosmicFalcon (/hack sonic93 No, screw you.)
[1/31/2006 4:07 PM] <Spinballwizard> The funny thing is he believes it X)
[1/31/2006 4:08 PM] <CosmicFalcon> yes.
[1/31/2006 4:08 PM] -->| sonic93 (~18bba965@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[1/31/2006 4:08 PM] <sonic93> im back again
[1/31/2006 4:08 PM] <Spinballwizard> no rly
[1/31/2006 4:08 PM] <PsyBorg>  /hack Sprint having videos that don't work on my computer at all and causing me to download shitloads of stuff to try to run the vids
[1/31/2006 4:08 PM] <Spinballwizard> That can't be hacked psy
[1/31/2006 4:08 PM] <sonic93> wassup psyborg
[1/31/2006 4:09 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** Cannot hack channel owner.
[1/31/2006 4:09 PM] =-= GerbilSoft is now known as You
[1/31/2006 4:09 PM] * You have received a new message. Type /quit MESSAGE 3928 to read it. *
[1/31/2006 4:09 PM] <PsyBorg>  /quit MESSAGE 3928 to read it. *
[1/31/2006 4:09 PM] <PsyBorg> wtf it don't work :(
[1/31/2006 4:09 PM] <_> /quit MESSAGE 3928
[1/31/2006 4:09 PM] <CosmicFalcon> /quit MESSAGE 3928
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <CosmicFalcon> sure it does you just need to type it
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <You> you included the "to read it"
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] =-= You is now known as GerbilSoft
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <_> That' interesting message.
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <CosmicFalcon> oh man
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <PsyBorg> osnap
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <CosmicFalcon> sonic93 you gotta read that message
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <sonic93> wattup
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <PsyBorg>  /quit MESSAGE 3928
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <PsyBorg> OH CRAP IT'S LIVE PR0N
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] |<-- sonic93 has left (AIRC Quit: MESSAGE 3928)
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <CosmicFalcon> XD!
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <_> pwnt
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <Rolken> :S
[1/31/2006 4:10 PM] <GerbilSoft> he wants pr0n
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] <Rolken> er :D
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] <CosmicFalcon> victoire!
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] |<-- PsyBorg has left (AIRC Quit: Computer goes to sleep!)
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] <Spinballwizard> And is stupid
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] -->| sonic93 (~18bba965@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] <sonic93> FU
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] <GerbilSoft> so you want pr0n, eh?
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] -->| BenB17 ( has joined #soniccenter
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] <CosmicFalcon> I love it when dumb stuff like that works
[1/31/2006 4:11 PM] <CosmicFalcon> gullible people are brilliant
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #137 on: February 01, 2006, 11:11:39 pm »
Damn, that censor log was fucking funny. XD!!!!!
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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #138 on: February 11, 2006, 12:07:07 am »
It's almost funny how psychic we are. Because we had recently mentioned what would happen if booo95 were to come into the chat. And behold.

[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> ZOMG
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> we got... normal, orange, mint, chunky, white chunky, caramel chunky
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> orange
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> et cetera
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> mint
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <Spinballwizard> orange O_o
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> caramel crunchy
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> strawberry
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> vanilla
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> banana
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> orange was so crap
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> mint crunchy
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> also you're losing me now
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <Spinballwizard> orange + chocolate = ew.
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh it was allright
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <Spinballwizard> actually
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> strawberry = good
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <GerbilSoft> YOUR MOM[tm] (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <Spinballwizard> any fruit + chocolate = ew.
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <--| booo95 has left #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <mike89> you've said about four in a row we didn't get
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> fu strawberry kitkat are good
[2/10/2006 11:13 PM] <SuperSonic101> vanilla is good too
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <Spinballwizard> okay gerbil that is like, so last century or something
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> and peanut butter crunchy is great
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <GerbilSoft> strawberry kitkat?
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> yes
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> omg teh booo
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <GerbilSoft> The only kitkats I've seen besides normal ones are dark chocolate and white chocolate.
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> booo: twix is awesome :(
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <mike89> dark chocolate? :(
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> oh yeah i forgot dark.
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <booo95> Hey
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> there's a million kitkat flavours here
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] <SuperSonic101> too many to keep track of
[2/10/2006 11:14 PM] >mike89< For some reason I see a topic coming up. >_>
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] * mike89 doesn't really like dark chocolate
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> and coffee crisp too
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> agree'd
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <Spinballwizard> O_o
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <mike89> not just in kitkats, but at all
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <booo95> get into a crunch
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <GerbilSoft> There's only like 3 in the US
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> crunch sucks compared to twix
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> so fu
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <GerbilSoft> :(
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> hah
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> theres at least 10 here
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <booo95> I am here for no reson
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <SuperSonic101> true
[2/10/2006 11:15 PM] <mike89> aren't we all
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <Spinballwizard> If anyone has a reason for being here they deserve to be shot.
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <booo95> it's every bodys super sonic moron here
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <mike89> ...
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <_> !seen *46ef*
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <ChanBot> _, I found one match to your query: booo95. booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) was last seen joining #soniccenter 2 minutes ago (10.02. 23:14). booo95 is still there.
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <_> checks out
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <booo95> TALK TO ME
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <mike89> <Spinballwizard> If anyone has a reason for being here they deserve to be shot. <- well, arguably, except Rolken.
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <SuperSonic101> hm
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <Spinballwizard> Well besides Rolk. >_>
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <SuperSonic101> he sounds like sonic93
[2/10/2006 11:16 PM] <booo95> fsjfhgsjdghdfsghfdsghfhgkf
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <booo95> Hello, any one there?
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <_> meow?
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <Spinballwizard> No.
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <SuperSonic101> the way it goes is wunderbar-twix-kitkat-mr. big-crunchie-coffee crisp-aero-caramilk-snicker-crunch-mars-crispy crunch
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <SuperSonic101> that's the order from best to worst
[2/10/2006 11:17 PM] <Spinballwizard> I don't really like kitkat as much anymore >_>
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> kitkat is good because they have a lot of good flavours
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> all the crunchy ones are good
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <booo95> kit kat is okay, I like reeses better
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <Spinballwizard> Maybe there.
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> and strawberry and vanilla are great
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> reeses doesn't count as a chocolate bar which is why i omitted it
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <booo95> How about chocolate milk
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> but i'd put it around where crunchie is on the list
[2/10/2006 11:18 PM] <SuperSonic101> chocolate milk i don't like because i puked from drinking 20 full glasses of it
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <_> Chocolate milk?  More like DROWN YOURSELF IN A BATHTUB FULL OF BLEACH
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <_> yes, htat's an order
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <Spinballwizard> lesson learned, don't drink 20 full glasses of chocolate milk.
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <SuperSonic101> and then some guy drank 24 and didn't puke
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <SuperSonic101> and i was all like fuck you.
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <booo95> BLAH BLAH BLAH is what <_> is saying
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <Spinballwizard> Try eating 9 sticks of butter and not puking.
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <Spinballwizard> I wouldn't diss _.
[2/10/2006 11:19 PM] <SuperSonic101> X)
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> i drank a whole tube of chocolate sauce
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> without puking
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> that was FUCKING NASTY
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> like i never use chocolate sauce again
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <booo95> Try chugging down a can of coke.
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <Spinballwizard> ...
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <_> Coke as in cocaine?
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> mm
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> cocaine
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <SuperSonic101> delicious
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <booo95> No as in coca cola
[2/10/2006 11:20 PM] <Spinballwizard> mmm
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <Spinballwizard> bouncy
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <Spinballwizard> </CF>
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <SuperSonic101> also a can of coke is nothing
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <SuperSonic101> try a 2L
[2/10/2006 11:21 PM] <booo95> ()()
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> the chocolate sauce was so nasty
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> it's so thick
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <_> I like to stick to my schedule that includes 3 cans of Diet Coke each day
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> and i just kept pouring more in my mouth
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <Spinballwizard> SS try syrup.
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> it was syrup
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <Spinballwizard> no I mean maple syrup
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> it was all thick and syrupy
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> oh X)
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <booo95> dfhahafdkfhagfadsjadsfafdjdlalalahgfdghfdghdfyousuckfhfsghsfghsfkgsfkghfdskghfdjirockfhgghfdskghfkdsgh
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <F-Man> my cousin chugged down a can of root beer in 3 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> it was full
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <Spinballwizard> like the stuff you put on waffles and pancakes.
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> yes i know what maple syrup is
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <SuperSonic101> i'm canadian
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <_> pwnt
[2/10/2006 11:22 PM] <F-Man> ahah
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <Spinballwizard> Man I just got a craving for biscuits and gravy for some reason.
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <SuperSonic101> oddness
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <booo95> F-Man> my cousin chugged down a can of root beer in 3 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <booo95> F-Man> my cousin chugged down a can of root beer in 3 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <Spinballwizard> Maybe because I haven't had them since the last time I went down to florida
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <SuperSonic101> i saw a guy chug a bottle of water in under 2 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh neither have I
[2/10/2006 11:23 PM] <Spinballwizard> actually I think it was before that
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <SuperSonic101> i have a craving to go to those american chain restaurants that are actually good
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <SuperSonic101> you lucky bastards
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <SuperSonic101> in canada we have basically mcdonalds or wendys, and that's about it
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <mike89> ss what
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <F-Man> i have never seen a wendys in my whole life
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <mike89> there are good chain restaurants?
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <F-Man> must be english only thing
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <Spinballwizard> ihop?
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <mike89> also our wendy's is completely different to yours
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <Spinballwizard> D:
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <SuperSonic101> but you americans have like waffle house, and ihop, and perkins and stuff
[2/10/2006 11:24 PM] <Spinballwizard> of those I've only been to ihop
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh i just went to ihop down in florida
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <booo95> i just had wendys two hours ago
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> it was awesome
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> but waffle house is -fucking amazing-
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <Spinballwizard> oh I <3 ihop
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> mm
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> i feel like having eggs. and hashbrowns
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <booo95> mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ihop.
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> at waffle house
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (mmm kick)
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <Spinballwizard> eggs ew
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> i fucking crave that stuff all year until i go to florida
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> osnap
[2/10/2006 11:25 PM] <SuperSonic101> also what eggs are good
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> at waffle house anyway.
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> No.
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> They're not.
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> Evar.
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <F-Man> eggs are either good or disgusting depending on people
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> no u
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> no u
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> ooic
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> urmom
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <Spinballwizard> D:
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh i find eggs to be kind of disgusting when i think about what it is
[2/10/2006 11:26 PM] <SuperSonic101> but damn at waffle house that shizzah's off the hizzah
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] *Spinballwizard wonder how long it'll take booo to figure out he can reenter after being kicked
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <SuperSonic101> what did you order at ihop if you didn't have eggs?
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <Spinballwizard> oh I'd give the eggs to my sister or something
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <Spinballwizard> and steal someone's pancakes or something.
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <SuperSonic101> the hashbrowns there are pretty good, but nothing compared to waffle house
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <SuperSonic101> 1 minute 52 seconds
[2/10/2006 11:27 PM] <F-Man> lol
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <SuperSonic101> also yes ihop pancakes pwn
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <SuperSonic101> and the crepes and stuff like that are awesome
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <booo95> nananananananana butt man
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <SuperSonic101> nanananannanannana shut the fuck up
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <Spinballwizard> I am write single to salute and wait for answer again.
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <_> We really need to get an fsay feature here.
[2/10/2006 11:28 PM] <booo95> hgghjjgjjgfjhdhklfshklhfdghgghhhgghgghgfghgfghf
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> you americans have like chains that are actual restaurants
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (Oh tin of pink meat / Must we enclue you firmly? / You are not Noah.)
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> the only good thing we have is tim hortins
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> which is going to america now isn't it
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <Spinballwizard> It's been here for a while.
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> fuck.
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <F-Man> hey
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> well we have one at every block
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <F-Man> booo did raise up a good argument
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <Spinballwizard> I know one Tim Hortons/Wendy's combo place.
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <SuperSonic101> you seriously can't drive a block in canada without seeing one
[2/10/2006 11:29 PM] <F-Man> i wonder if the answer is asldjfdaslaeeed
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <Spinballwizard> mmm
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> tim hortons coffee = good
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <Spinballwizard> and SS that's like Walgreens here
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <Spinballwizard> they're popping up like everywhere.
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> heh, true
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> we have like, one drug mart
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> shoppers drug mart
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <booo95> For some reson I keep getting kicked by _
[2/10/2006 11:30 PM] <SuperSonic101> but you guys have your walgreens and CVS and all that shit.
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (you think?)
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> ...
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> XDXDXD
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <F-Man> must be a glitch
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> :D
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> okay this is getting topic'd
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> Now all we need is for Gerbil to start using some /hack commands.
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <SuperSonic101> i wonder how old he is
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> I call 7.
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> effy quoted my fake chat
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> >_>
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <_> 90% chance of 10
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> that's made my day
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <F-Man> i did?
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> ...
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <mike89> >_>
[2/10/2006 11:31 PM] <Spinballwizard> though mike wasn't that a kick message?
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <Spinballwizard> by Sprint IIRC
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <mike89> yeah well he's not an op
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] =-= Mode #soniccenter +o F-Man by mike89
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <mike89> though things can change
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <F-Man> ahah i remember
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <F-Man> "must be a glitch"
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <F-Man> damn >_>
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <_> !top10 kicks
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <booo95> Hello again
[2/10/2006 11:32 PM] <ChanBot> Top10(kicks): 1. CosmicFalcon(100) 2. Sprint(71) 3. mike89(64) 4. Rolken(58) 5. CherryMay(24) 6. RPG(24) 7. LogBot(22) 8. Sonux(16) 9. SS|Away(12) 10. CF|college(7)
[2/10/2006 11:33 PM] <_> deregging really hurt my rank there
[2/10/2006 11:33 PM] <booo95> any one like penuts?
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <Spinballwizard> ...I'm not even going to say what I thought I read that as.
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <F-Man> i sure did read that as penis
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <mike89> XD!
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <SuperSonic101> XD
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <mike89> that makes three of us
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <F-Man> rofl
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <SuperSonic101> make that 4
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <booo95> What's so funny?
[2/10/2006 11:34 PM] <F-Man> but that's quite a smart question!
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (this is funny)
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] -->| SJ_PS2 ( has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <F-Man> makes you think he dd ask it only to make a certain typo...
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <mike89> aw, you've missed all the fun, SJ!
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> <booo95> What's so funny? <-- That he doesn't realize what we think is funny.
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <SuperSonic101> lawl
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] =-= SJ_PS2 is now known as ShadowJacky
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] -->| sonicam (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <ShadowJacky> booo was here?
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <SuperSonic101> yay you guys can all join in on the fun!
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> of course. soniham misses the fun.
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <mike89> :O
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <_> 46ef?
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] |<-- sonicam has left (AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring)
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <mike89> a sonicam!
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <_> booo was sonicam?
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <SuperSonic101> also SJ i have watched iron jungle and glyphic canyon and they ar epwn
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> !?
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <Spinballwizard> !seen sonicam
[2/10/2006 11:35 PM] <ChanBot> Spinballwizard, sonicam (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) was last seen quitting #soniccenter 13 seconds ago (10.02. 23:35) stating "AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring" after spending 15 seconds there.
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <mike89> nonono
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <Spinballwizard> !seen booo95
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ChanBot> Spinballwizard, I found 2 matches to your query: sonicam, booo95. sonicam (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) was last seen quitting #soniccenter 19 seconds ago (10.02. 23:35) stating "AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring" after spending 15 seconds there.
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <_> !seen *46ef*
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> :o?
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ChanBot> _, I found 2 matches to your query: sonicam, booo95. sonicam (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) was last seen quitting #soniccenter 21 seconds ago (10.02. 23:35) stating "AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring" after spending 15 seconds there.
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <Spinballwizard> :O :O :O
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> OSNAP
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ShadowJacky> heh, even though GC and IJ can be done faster
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> surely but they were pretty good
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <mike89> they match
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> especially GC
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> soniham loses.
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ShadowJacky> lol
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] -->| booo (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> ono
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <Spinballwizard> s
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <ShadowJacky> is that him
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <SuperSonic101> z0rz
[2/10/2006 11:36 PM] <F-Man> wtf
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> BBQ
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <mike89> allow me to draw a quick parallel
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <mike89> remember when Dale did this?
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <Spinballwizard> No?
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <F-Man> ahah
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <mike89> you weren't here
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <Spinballwizard> Obviously.
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <F-Man> me either
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <_> DNSstuff can't find the geographic location of
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <booo> Okay whose the wise guy who typed in booo95 while i got kicked and had too get back in?
[2/10/2006 11:37 PM] <SuperSonic101> ur faec
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <SuperSonic101> hm
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** GerbilSoft AntiVirus v2.10 ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <SuperSonic101> bee are bee
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <--| SuperSonic101 has left #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <F-Man> i just thought of something
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <F-Man> sonic93 had that 93 because that's the year he was born right?
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <booo> I'll be right back
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <F-Man> so booo95... :O
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] |<-- booo has left (AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring)
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <mike89> er
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** GerbilSoft AntiVirus v2.10 ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <mike89> SM worked that out ages ago
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** Type !scan to scan your system. ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <Spinballwizard> it'd be funny if he believed Gerbil was a program.
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] -->| booo (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> i'll wait for him to come back
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** GerbilSoft AntiVirus v2.10 ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <mike89> [15:31:31] <SuperSonic101> i wonder how old he is
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:38 PM] <mike89> [15:31:42] <_> 90% chance of 10
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <F-Man> i thought he was saying that cause of stupidity
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] -->| SuperSonic101 ( has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <booo> Yeah, somethings messed up
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <SuperSonic101> arr.
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <F-Man> but this is funny
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:39 PM] <ShadowJacky> ohh emm gee
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <SuperSonic101> *** booo, you may be an idiot. Type !quit i'm an idiot to see if that's true. ***
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <booo> Who the freak is gerbilsoft?
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** GerbilSoft AntiVirus v2.10 ***
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** Created by Gerbil Software ***
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <F-Man> SS you mean /quit :(
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <Spinballwizard> Our resident antivirus program.
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <SuperSonic101> i phail
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <_> Use the PING command to attack someone, such as /ping _
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:40 PM] <SuperSonic101> *** booo, you may be an idiot. Type /quit i'm an idiot to see if that's true. ***
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <ShadowJacky> you guys are nutz
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <SuperSonic101> no u
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <GerbilSoft> ? what
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <_> Use the PING command to attack someone with the FLICKY FINGER OF DOOM, such as /ping _
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <booo> Yes he stoped saying that
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <GerbilSoft> it's my antivirus program
[2/10/2006 11:41 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** booo, you may have a virus. Type !scan to scan. ***
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <GerbilSoft> it thinks you might have a virus, so i suggest you scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <booo> How do I scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <mike89> ...
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <Spinballwizard> Type !scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <Spinballwizard> like so:
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <Spinballwizard> !scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <booo> !scan
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** Now scanning booo for viruses... ***
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <F-Man> [20:40] ShadowJacky: you guys are nuts
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <F-Man> [16:24] ShadowJacky: you guys are nutz
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <F-Man> [23:41] ShadowJacky: you guys are nutz
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <F-Man> hehe
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <SuperSonic101> ***WARNING! HIGH RISK LEVEL! BOOO, YOU MAY HAVE A VIRUS! TYPE /quit i'm an idiot TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE! URGENT***
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <GerbilSoft> *** VIRUS FOUND: Type /server VIRUS INFO for more information. ***
[2/10/2006 11:42 PM] <mike89> lawl effy
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> oh crap, it looks like you have a virus
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <booo> So now what
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> type /server virus info
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> booo follow my instructions
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <GerbilSoft> that'll give you more info
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> ***WARNING! HIGH RISK LEVEL! BOOO, YOU MAY HAVE A VIRUS! TYPE /quit i'm an idiot TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE! URGENT***
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <mike89> just do what the program tells you to do
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> my antivirus program is saying that it's urgent
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] >SuperSonic101< just let gerbil do his work >_>
[2/10/2006 11:43 PM] <SuperSonic101> ***WARNING! HIGH RISK LEVEL! BOOO, YOU MAY HAVE A VIRUS! TYPE /quit i'm an idiot TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE! URGENT***
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> SuperSonic101: yours is defective
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <ShadowJacky> too bad there's no mass pings
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> fu
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> The correct command is "/server VIRUS INFO"
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> quick, booo!
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> you're running out of time!
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> your computers gonna EXPLODE!
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <Spinballwizard> You could become the subject of a hacking very soon!
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> booo: I predict that if you don't type "/server VIRUS INFO" in the next 45 seconds, the virus will take over your computer.
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <SuperSonic101> ***WARNING! HIGH RISK LEVEL! BOOO, YOU MAY HAVE A VIRUS! TYPE /quit i'm an idiot TO SEE IF THIS IS TRUE! URGENT***
[2/10/2006 11:44 PM] <GerbilSoft> Quick!
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> hm
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> apparently the command won't work on your computer
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> booo: Are you running Windows?
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <booo> yes
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> Looks like you're permanently infected. :(
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> (bust)
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <F-Man> lol
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <booo> I feel like this is a prank
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <F-Man> that must be your Plan B :P
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <mike89> windows ftl?
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> No, really.
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <GerbilSoft> You're using Windows. That in itself is a virus.
[2/10/2006 11:45 PM] <SuperSonic101> ono
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] * ShadowJacky shoots gerbil
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> I suggest you download and install - Kubuntu Linux
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <booo> I'll be right back, one minuite
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] |<-- booo has left (AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring)
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> or - OpenSUSE
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> .
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> i suggest you download and install
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <ShadowJacky> :o
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <_> that site's down
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> has a pumpkin image
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <GerbilSoft> it fails
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> shit
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <_> a mirror is at
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] -->| booo (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> does it have a new one?
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> .ca!
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <ShadowJacky> still cant believe you put that up
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <F-Man> canada ftw
[2/10/2006 11:46 PM] <SuperSonic101> go canada.
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft>
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <ShadowJacky> the pains are worse
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> booo, i suggest you download and install
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <F-Man> SJ did you click it
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> indeed
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <booo> I still can't change it to booo95
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <ShadowJacky> no
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> booo: You're still infected, that's why.
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> i saw all the pains
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <_> type "/nick booo95"
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> You have two solutions.
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <ShadowJacky> but I seen it before on accident
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <mike89> download and install?
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> A. Install a Linux distribution, such as or
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <SuperSonic101> they're fucking nasty.
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <mike89> more like "fucking copy/paste into your browser"
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <GerbilSoft> B. Get a Macintosh:
[2/10/2006 11:47 PM] <ShadowJacky> hell yeah
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <booo> My dad (yes I live with my parent and have my own computer) hates mac
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <GerbilSoft> Then install Linux.
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <mike89> hang on
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <SuperSonic101> the worst thing i've heard about is when a guy injects something into his something
[2/10/2006 11:48 PM] <booo> You know what, never mind about it
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <ShadowJacky> keep going SS
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <mike89> who doesn't hate Macs?
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> YOUR MOM[tm] (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> Macs aren't really that bad.
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <_> Steve Jobs?
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> except for the restrictions in the OS
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> "You can only use OUR window theme!"
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <F-Man> actually, who hate Macs?
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> "You can only use OUR dialogs"
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> etc
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <booo> One minuite gotta pee.
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <F-Man> yeah GS, that's the only problem
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <F-Man> interesting booo
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <mike89> hm
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] =-= booo was booted from #soniccenter by _ (that's not allowed here)
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <mike89> i call Zizou.
[2/10/2006 11:49 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <F-Man> i don't like how you have to click a window to get the menu
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> Windows isn't as restrictive, but it's still irritating.
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> (MSIE)
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <F-Man> and the dock
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <Spinballwizard> XD
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> F-Man: KDE lets you select whether you want menus in each app (default) or a system-wide menu.
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> It only works for KDE apps though (i.e. not Firefox)
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <F-Man> yeah of course linux wins
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <F-Man> (if KDE is a linux disto that is)
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> KDE's a Desktop Environment for Unix/Linux
[2/10/2006 11:50 PM] <GerbilSoft> GNOME only lets you do one, because it's the one that's the "least confusing to the user".
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <booo95> Yes I can put booo95
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <GerbilSoft> Just like advanced printing options - because no one's going to want to change any printer options, ever!
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <_> Alphabetizing your menus is also easy under KDE...all the programs start with the letter K!
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <booo95> Any one here besides me and gerbilsoft
[2/10/2006 11:51 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:52 PM] <F-Man> ...
[2/10/2006 11:52 PM] <booo95> How about we talk about shadow the hedgehog
[2/10/2006 11:52 PM] <_> Have you tried inflicting damage with the PING command?
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <SuperSonic101> booo, how old are you?
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <_> Type "/ping _" to use your PING attack against me
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <F-Man> ok
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <F-Man> shadow the hedgehog sucks
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <SuperSonic101> i bet 95 is his birth year
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <F-Man> of course
[2/10/2006 11:53 PM] <F-Man> mike would tell you that SM clarified this long ago
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <mike89> *1995
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] * mike89 pedantic. >_>
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> i know
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <F-Man> also sonic93 lol
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> hm
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <booo95> Either that, my favorite year, or the year knuckles chaotix came out.
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> soon i'm going to make a microwave pizza
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <F-Man> 95 is more than that
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <mike89> wasn't Chaotix '96?
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> um it might be all 3
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <Spinballwizard> a good one or a crappy one SS?
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> in between
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <F-Man>
[2/10/2006 11:54 PM] <SuperSonic101> it's respectable
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <SuperSonic101> but its' a pizza, not a pizza pop/pocket
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <F-Man> booo you're not in births :(
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <SuperSonic101> lean cuisine is still the greatest microwave pizza EVER
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <F-Man> that must mean you're not important
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <booo95> Shadow the hedgehog rocks
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <_>
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <mike89> ahaha
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <_> April 20, 1995
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <mike89> wiki for the win
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <SuperSonic101> no it doesn't
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <SuperSonic101> it killed my guitar :(
[2/10/2006 11:55 PM] <ShadowJacky> ugh! goddamn headphones
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> [23:55:26] <booo95> Shadow the hedgehog rocks
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> So does Windows Vista!
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <mike89> wait
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> And have you seen my new pet? He's a flying pig!
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <mike89> do they both break guitars?
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <SuperSonic101> even though it cost me a guitar, STH is better than heroes.
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> (guitar)
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <Spinballwizard> Damn, that ground's getting cold.
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> Vista: (gu/\ar)
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <GerbilSoft> yeah, it does
[2/10/2006 11:56 PM] <Spinballwizard> Like even colder than usual.
[2/10/2006 11:57 PM] <F-Man> i prefer the level layouts of heroes
[2/10/2006 11:57 PM] <Spinballwizard> SS your mom is better than heroes
[2/10/2006 11:57 PM] <GerbilSoft> Is your mom three women at once?
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <mike89> so the way it seems to be portrayed here
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <mike89> urmom > shadow > urmom jokes > heroes.
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <booo95> did anyone ever actually watch any of the old sonic cartoons like the adventures of sonic the hedgehog and sonic underground cause I did.
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <SuperSonic101> good for you
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <ShadowJacky> mike...I have read all 3 of the fake chats
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <F-Man> i watched SU
[2/10/2006 11:58 PM] <Spinballwizard> The more pressing question is does anybody care?
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> i actually don't know which one i watched
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> AoStH i think
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <ShadowJacky> they both sucked
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> lies
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> also SJ what is your point.
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <ShadowJacky> SatAM was the best
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <booo95> Sonic underground still comes on at 5:30 in the morning on kdfi27
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <ShadowJacky> my point about the fake chats?
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <mike89> yeah
[2/10/2006 11:59 PM] <booo95> No aosth was
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <ShadowJacky> ...I liked them
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <GerbilSoft> your mom's a fake chat
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <PsyMar> I liked my bit :D
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <F-Man> uh i would be happy to know someone read long text stuff i wrote X)
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <ShadowJacky> if it was good f-man
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <PsyMar> ...and it was pretty accurate, I probably would have died on the metal harbor competition
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <mike89> heh
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <mike89> i only screwed one bit up
[2/11/2006 12:00 AM] <mike89> SBW was meant to survive the first two sections
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <ShadowJacky> even though you had me crash
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <Spinballwizard> Well mike then you'd have to make it so that SA2B low score wasn't the first challenge. >_>
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <mike89> psh
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <mike89> surely you could beat six people.
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <mike89> or really five, given Andy crashed and burned.
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <PsyMar> I think all you'd have to do there is finish the stage
[2/11/2006 12:01 AM] <PsyMar> I would've lost a life too
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <PsyMar> probably a few others
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <Spinballwizard> even though I don't usually play for low score and have never played Metal Harbor?
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <booo95> I've heard that the tails doll from sonic r is haunted.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <GerbilSoft> Kanye West says he should be in the bible.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <Spinballwizard> RPGnutter has the Tails Doll.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <GerbilSoft> "God doesn't care about black people."
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <PsyMar> Spinballwizard: I think all you'd have to do is finish the stage and you'd have pulled it off.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <PsyMar> one thing's obvious, though -- I wasn't driving.
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <Spinballwizard> >_>
[2/11/2006 12:02 AM] <PsyMar> If I had been, nobody else would've been behind team Psy for us to be crashed into
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <mike89> heh
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <booo95> What about the tails doll
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <Spinballwizard> RPGnutter has it.
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <F-Man> there's more to it than just finish the stage
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <Spinballwizard> It watches over him.
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <Spinballwizard> And makes him do crazy things.
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <PsyMar> F-Man: If the other 6 people lost a life, then no, there isn't
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <Spinballwizard> Which sometimes makes us do crazy things.
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <booo95> Can someone tell me about the tails doll
[2/11/2006 12:03 AM] <F-Man> no rings, no enemies, no somersault under thight spaces, getting the rocket handle in a bad time, finishing the stage in a bad time...
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <PsyMar> Er. Time bonus didn't count for score
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <mike89> i did say disregarding time bonus
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] =-= booo95 was booted from #soniccenter by _ (it kicks you at night when you sleep)
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <PsyMar> according to the story rules
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <GerbilSoft> (drums)
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <F-Man> meh whatever
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <GerbilSoft> So _'s Tails Doll
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] -->| booo95 (~46ef26e4@B240702E.F46DBD43.C02AD93E.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <PsyMar> And you can have as high a score as you want if other people crash and burn.
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <booo95> I'm outta here for now.
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <F-Man> :O
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] <_> yay!
[2/11/2006 12:04 AM] |<-- booo95 has left (AIRC Quit: ring ring ring ring ring ring ring)
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline qubit

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« Reply #139 on: February 11, 2006, 06:35:06 pm »
The French Connection

Several different subplots going on here, including me trying to kick myself from IRC and CosmicFalcon annoying everyone with his mad French skillz.

<ChanB0t> CosmicFalcon, please do us all a favor and speak English.
<Greham2> allow me
<CosmicFalcon> je ne parle pas l'anglais
<theenglishman> !KICK theenglishman
<CosmicFalcon> except that I do
<theenglishman> DAMMIT!
<CosmicFalcon> lollertrickedyou
<ChanB0t> CosmicFalcon, please do us all a favor and speak English.
<F-Man> vc
<F-Man> for va chier lol
<theenglishman> you from quebec CF?
<ChanB0t> F-Man, please do us all a favor and speak English.
<Greham2> you are giving yourself lots of bruises Englishman
<F-Man> ...
<CosmicFalcon> yes englishman
<CosmicFalcon> j'habite en quebec
<ChanB0t> CosmicFalcon, please do us all a favor and speak English.
<F-Man> yeah he's like my voisin
<F-Man> n'est-ce pas CF?
*** ChanB0t was kicked from #soniccenter by CosmicFalcon [ChanB0t, do us all a favour and stfu/gtfo.]
<CosmicFalcon> ah oui
*** ChanB0t [] has joined #soniccenter
<CosmicFalcon> je deteste f-man.
* Greham2 comes at the ChanB0t's computer with a seldge
<ChanB0t> zomg :(
* theenglishman n'est pas un francophone
<ChanB0t> but wait... I AM NOT GONE
<F-Man> la francophonie*
<Greham2> je n'aime pas le ChanB0t
<Greham2> I l ya on laser
<CosmicFalcon> I l ya. yeah cuz those are words.
<F-Man> actually scrap that it made sense
* theenglishman n'est pas un francophonie
<theenglishman> howzat?
<F-Man> that however didn't
<F-Man> francophone*
<Greham2> ring ring ring ring
*** ChanB0t is now known as PsyBorg

At this point in the convo I was kicked (for the reason GET BACK TO THE PAVILION!)
Me: Do you find it odd that CF's top two loves rank last in his Bouncy rankings? x_x
mike89: yes. yes i do.
mike89: but then i find CF odd.
Me: so do I.

The odds of meeting a TSCer randomly on the street, at any given time anywhere in the world, is approximately 15,785,611 to 1 ... and growing.

Offline Buizel

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #140 on: February 11, 2006, 08:57:21 pm »
And now, for my commentary on your third chat, mike:

I sure hope not... -_-;

XBQ = something I made up, but it would very likely relate to Xboxes, and we know how much love there is for those at TSC…
X-Box Quacks? *shot*

* PsyMar has joined #soniccenter
<PsyMar> Hey
* Psyknux has joined #soniccenter
<mike89> :o
* PsyBorg has joined #soniccenter
lol at the 3 Psy*s entering at once, despite the fact that I haven't been on the chat once (we should plan that one day). Cherry seems confused. :( And you seem a little surprised that I 'joined #soniccenter'. X) Thanx for keeping the 'k' in my name lowercase, though you didn't have Rolken do the same... :( And hurray for non-speaking parts! =)

* supersonic101 is now known as Psyfuck
* Psyfuck fucks Psyduck
<Psyduck> Duck. O.O
* Psyduck evolves into…
* Psyduck is now known as Golduck
Oh this the kind of stuff that 4Kids have been cutting from the Japanese Pokémon anime?! o_O

And then came the most incredible sequence of events. The situation the Mikes had thought they were in had actually developed, with the Psys and Shadows (with the battle scars to boot) arriving in opposite directions at the same time. Both attempted to make a quick turn into the driveway, but both failed and they only succeeded in crashing into each other.
Yep--I think I was driving here...and yes, all the racing and crashing for brownies was definitely worth it. :P We should have won! :(

The seven players assigned to the task (Rayku, SuperSonic101, RPGnutter, mike89, SadisticMystic, shadowgamer196 and F-Man) woke up refreshed and ready to go at a record that would probably never be beaten. But before that, Jay announced the second challenge.

These selections are arguable (I think Psyknux in particular will take me to task over this) but I feel they’d be the most likely seven to take the game apart, with cybrax excluded. It’s no coincidence that six of those seven are founding members, either.
Originally I was going to argue, but then I realized that this is TIME attacking and besides MS, HB, EE, and CW (which one of the seven could do better than me), it would be better if I wasn't one of those seven. Now if it were SCORE attacking, then it would definitely be you, me, RPG, SS101, and...uhhh...probably sonicam, SJ, and gamersince93 (I dunno...the last three are debatable; Rayku and yoshifan may be good choices as well).

“Sonic Advance 2, Sky Canyon 1. See how many rings you can pick up and hold within a minute. GO!”
Eww...any level in SAdv2 where I have to collect and keep rings = insta-fail for me.

Rusty picked up a stray baseball bat and came to the front of the TSC pack, just as the Frenchmen were beginning their charge. He stood in front of them and said, holding the bat in a ready-to-swing position, “Are you sure you want to do this?”
rofl...for some reason I can't imagine SM with a bat ready to attack. Rawr! >:o

And lastly, about the ending and your comment about the number of people "retiring" lately: as long as their retirement is only offical like sonicam's, then I think we're fine. =P

That's my two cents.
Hay guiz, I made a table showing how many points each game tracked by TSC is worth. You should go see it.
Also v2.0 of my TSC calculator is available to use. You should totally use it.
I update these every Monday around 2:30pm GMT.

Offline Rolken

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #141 on: February 13, 2006, 01:15:03 am »
Not in TSC, but still relevantly hilarious. See, Zizou really is lol.

[20:32:38] Zizou_SCD We're thinking of renaming SCD
[20:32:42] Zizou_SCD dead serious
[20:32:49] Zizou_SCD to cause more trouble XD
[20:35:02] Spiky XD!
[20:35:15] Spiky (@ Kogen again :P)
[20:35:20] Spiky Zizou_SCD: really?
[20:35:54] Zizou_SCD yep
[20:36:12] Zizou_SCD Because we dont really know what a cage dome is...
[20:39:56] Spinballwizard Actually, it makes sense somewhat.
[20:40:23] Spinballwizard Since a wrestling match could take place in a cage, which is usually in a domed or other covered area. >_>
[20:40:36] Spinballwizard And wrestling match = competition, where it ties into what SCD is.
[20:41:01] Zizou_SCD hey!
[20:41:04] Zizou_SCD Your right!
[20:41:06] Zizou_SCD omg
[20:41:15] Zizou_SCD you just discovered what Sonic Cage Dome is!
[20:41:23] Spinballwizard >_>
[20:41:33] Zizou_SCD YOUR A GENIUS
[20:41:37] Spinballwizard I'm not sure whether to take that as a complement or an insult.
[20:42:07] Zizou_SCD compliment
[20:42:10] Zizou_SCD see
[20:42:55] Zizou_SCD :)
[20:43:00] Zizou_SCD man
[20:43:11] Zizou_SCD it just makes sonic cage dome even more original
[20:43:51]  Zizou_SCD has quit (AIRC Quit: Sonic Revolution -
StH JJ1 WkS+ Sal++^i Rbk++i Knu- McS+++ P++ D[af]opw $++++ E03 A24 GM CoUT
What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #142 on: February 13, 2006, 02:10:14 am »
See, even I can own Zizou.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline CosmicFalcon

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #143 on: February 13, 2006, 05:33:48 am »
Why does Zizou's quit message advertise Sonic Revolution, when he has his own Sonic site? What a mystery.
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

Offline Rolken

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« Reply #144 on: February 13, 2006, 09:19:28 am »
Not only that, it's a site that doesn't exist.
StH JJ1 WkS+ Sal++^i Rbk++i Knu- McS+++ P++ D[af]opw $++++ E03 A24 GM CoUT
What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?

Offline CosmicFalcon

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« Reply #145 on: February 13, 2006, 09:36:03 am »
Not only that, it's a site that doesn't exist.

Correction. It simply exists on a higher plane of existance than us.
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #146 on: February 13, 2006, 11:39:48 pm »
More like lower plane amirite.

<3 Thorn.

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« Reply #147 on: February 14, 2006, 11:04:39 pm »
Why does Zizou's quit message advertise Sonic Revolution, when he has his own Sonic site? What a mystery.
Probably because he was using their old client. Which probably means he won't be on IRC for a while, because...

Not only that, it's a site that doesn't exist.
...obviously the owner just closed it recently. Meh, that chat used Java anyways. Ew.

Actually it's now known as the Sonic Planet Core. >_>

More like lower plane amirite.
Hey, I'm a mod there you know. :(
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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« Reply #148 on: February 14, 2006, 11:06:45 pm »
And you're not a mod here. (But close enough to be considered one other than for the purposes of this conversation.)

Hence, we have higher standards and are therefore cooler.

*runs from SBW's flying steak knives*

<3 Thorn.

Offline Rolken

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #149 on: February 15, 2006, 01:12:16 pm »
I will admit that I dismissed that site before passing the TSS-knockoff splash page.
StH JJ1 WkS+ Sal++^i Rbk++i Knu- McS+++ P++ D[af]opw $++++ E03 A24 GM CoUT
What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?


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